Tamara's Journey

Our 2008 Western Vacation Part 6

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After we left Moab, we made our way north into Idaho. Northern Utah has one of the longest stretches of desert that I’ve ever seen. A hundred miles worth. Again, good thing I had my ipod; it really came in handy then. There’s only so much that my wife and I could talk about before she nodded off to sleep.

As we neared the border of Idaho the vegetation increased and soon the landscape was back to the way I like it. The next place we came to was the town of Lava Hot Springs, Idaho. I was really looking forward to this place. Hoping that it would be much different than Glenwood I had envisioned a nice resort tucked away in the mountains with it’s steaming vapors and healing waters ready to sooth our tensions and set us free. It wasn’t meant to be. After all, why in god’s name would you ever, in your right mind, go to a hot springs resort in the middle of summer. I’m reflecting back on this fairly odd muse with absurdity thinking what possessed us to do such a thing….but anywho.

When we got there it was pretty crowded. After all it was the Fourth Of July. Then, in my stupidity I jumped right into the unbelievably hot pools on a day when the temperature was still 90 degrees out. It didn’t take long before I began to feel the same as I did before in Glenwood, but worse.

Oh yea, I began to faint like the first time but this time the glands in my neck got swollen and it was utterly painful to swallow. Then my wife and one of the staff persons from the resort came over to me. He asked me if I wanted him to call an ambulance but I decided not to. It wasn’t that bad.

Well, so much for that. We hung around there a little while longer, until around nine. We decided to leave town and get a motel somewhere. So we drove a short distance and pulled into a privately owned motel just off the road. Man, this must have been one of the worst motels we had been to. The room smelled bad, well not all that bad but a noticeable one. But the beds were decent enough. And after what I’d been through I just wanted to sleep it off.

The next day we drove east to Jackson, Wyoming or what most people call Jackson Hole. Jackson Hole is a lot like Estes Park in Colorado, the town closest to the biggest attraction around there: The Grand Tetons.

The Tetons are one of the most if not the most beautiful mountain range I’ve ever seen in my life. These are alpine mountains much like the Alps are in Switzerland. And one of the lakes there is called Jenny Lake. We took a short hike around the lake and then there was this small ferry that for twenty bucks took you across to the foothills of the Tetons. Then we hiked up this trail. Not a thousand feet from where the ferry dropped us off was this bridge that went over this rushing torrent from a waterfall up above. Then we hiked a little further and got a good look at the waterfall.

And if you’re really into spirituality, you know what the Tetons are? They’re a retreat for ascended masters. What, you didn’t think that holy people have fun too? Get over it. People living in the higher dimensions have just as much—or more—fun than third dimension human beings. I have no idea what they do for fun but I’m confident that they know how to party. The Grand Tetons are spectacular. You can actually fly right into Jackson Hole. I saw a 727 jet liner land there. Though I found the airport’s location there unfortunate because of the excessive noise, still you can probably fly directly in from some of the major cities in the country.

We found a nice campsite near Teton National Park. It wasn’t easy because most of them were, as you would expect, book solid. But we got ourselves a site to pitch our tent and have a nice little campfire going. Later on when it got late I was still up when everyone else was asleep I gazed up into the sky and saw a lot of stars. It was beautiful. We stayed there for a few days and then it was on to our next destination. Yellowstone National Park.

This is the end of "Our Western Vacation" but click here to continue with Part 7 of My Spiritual Path

This site was created by James W. Kovic. Please direct all comments to jknct@snet.net