Tamara's Journey

Sukahara: Supergirl Of Japan Chapter 1

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The following is the first draft of “Sukahara: Supergirl Of Japan” which was the working title of a short story I wrote on July 21, 2004 at 11:24:22 at night. Yes, thanks to that little program that runs in Microsoft Word that documents when you originally start writing a document, I could get the official time that I did this down to the exact minute.

Sukahara SAJ was originally written as a short story. By then I had been a fan of the kind of short stories that were posted on sites like supergirl inc. and aurora universe. So, given my talent as a writer from all of those years of keeping journals while a member of the Unification Church, I decided to give it a try.

So, here it is in it’s entirety, the never before seen, edited out first chapter of Sukahara: Supergirl Of Japan.

Michiko Tanaka was a timid Japanese unification church member working on an American fundraising team in Chicago. Serving as team mother on John Delancy’s team, she finished the bookkeeping while the rest of the members gobbled down their breakfast in their laps. Then as the last member was dropped off the captain turned to her.

“Ok, Michiko this area’s for you.”, John said quite enthusiastically. “Oh, Thank you Delancy san”, she gratefully replied saying his name with the honorific “san” like most japanese members do. And then Michiko stood by the side do the road with her box of peanut brittle in her arms waving goodbye to Captain Delancy as the van rounded the curb and out of sight.

Michiko always observed the other members compassionately as they loaded themselves up with the heavy boxes of candy. She knew that they all worked so hard carrying such heavy boxes under their arms and risking back injury in their mission. And she knew that that sort of injury was limited to them. In the back of her mind she was glad that she never had to exhaust herself with such unrelenting stress. Behind the meek and mild demeanor she exhibited and underneath the conservative clothes she wore was a woman with formidable power which no one would ever suspect.

Michiko walked towards the office park that she was doing that morning. But then she just happened to notice a bank nearby where some irregular activity was now unfolding. With her highly sensitive hearing she could hear the voices of armed gunmen speaking with a fearful teller.

“Ok, lady,”, the gunmen said, “Give me all of the money in that drawer down there.”

“Oh no.”, Michiko said under her breathe. “If that man gets away with robbing that bank someone could get hurt.” “I must find some place to change.”

Quickly, Michiko stashed her box of candy in a bush nearby. Then she ran over to a nearby loading dock at the office park. Finding an indiscrete location she pulled the buns out of her long dark hair which flowed over her blouse like a mane. Then she spoke the phrase that few people understood: “Sukahara Des!!!” Suddenly Michiko was surrounded by an all encompassing bright blue light and within that light was being transformed from the meek and mild Japanese girl in to the super heroine, Sukahara, supergirl from Japan.. She stood like a Japanese goddess on that loading dock. Who would have guessed that this timid girl who just smiled at the people she propositioned to contributed to the church she worked for, was such a super heroine. There she stood with her arms akimbo to her waist. Her thighs were so impressive as were her anatomic dimensions of 35-26-36. Michiko placed her hands on her beautiful 35 inch breasts that seemed to defy gravity as they hung accented by her revealing costume. She then leaped into the air flying as Sukahara. She quickly landed at the entrance of the bank and pushed the door wide open. To the surprise of the gunmen who was just now leaving the teller whom he emptied her entire register.

“Hey, who the hell are you?”, the gunmen yelled. “I am Sukahara,”, the lone heroine announced. “You obviously are behaving in an unsocial manner”, Sukahara said in almost perfect English. Usually Michiko speaks with little command of the English language but when she transforms herself into Sukahara her senses are so enhanced that her super intelligence has the capacity to learn an entire language and it’s subtleties in a matter of seconds.

“And you, my dear,” , the gunmen taunted her, “are obviously some kind of joke. Here, try dealing with this.”

Then the gunman pulled out his semi-automatic pistol. And to the frightened screams of the bank employees watching in horror he fired point blank toward Michiko. As he did the bullets merely bounced off her emblazoned chest as she stood there motionless with a stoic look on her face. For a full minute the gunman emptied his jacket of cartridges at Michiko. Then when the bullets were exhausted and the smoke cleared there was Sukahara standing unfazed by the tickling of the harmless projectiles.

“Someone ought to teach you some manners, young man.”, Michiko said authoritatively at the gunman. And then she walked over to him as he stood there shocked at how she was impervious to a loaded gun. Then she pulled the gun out of his hand, displayed it in her seemingly gentle hands and then squeezed the titanium hand gun until it was reduced to metal pulp. There was a hush over the employees as they looked on and witnessed this unusual lady exhibit such superhuman strength. “Oh, my god,”, the teller who just moments ago was shaking in fear. “She must be Supergirl.”

Then Michiko grabbed the gunman’s shirt collar and lifted him up in the air. “You’ll cease to threaten these good people with your selfish aims ever again,”, Sukahara said in an angry tone to the gunman. “Do you hear me?” Then Michiko threw the man to the floor. Then she spied a steel bar over in the corner. She grabbed it and then placed it under the man’s wrists and then bent it and tied it into a knot around his wrists. The steel made a wrenching sound as it failed to withstand the super strength of Sukahara.

Then Michiko took the stolen money and placed it back into the hands of the now jubilant bank teller.

“I hope” , Michiko said to all of the employees, “this hasn’t disrupted your busy day too much ladies and gentlemen. Now I must go and bring this criminal to the police.”

With that Michiko picked up the man with her right arm under his head and her left under his legs and flew out of the bank building. She quickly spotted the local police precinct as she flew over the town of Cicero. Then she landed down in front of the police station. After she finished explaining to the police what happened at the bank a few moments ago she leaped into the air once again and flew over the city to the loading dock where she hid her clothes. Then she landed onto the dock and trying not to be noticed by the workers there Sukahara spoke the ancient words, “Sukahara Des!!” and with a whirlwind she assumed her alter-identity as Michiko once again.

“Excuse me sir,”, as she approached the loading dock foreman. “would you like to buy some peanut brittle to support the church?” The foreman gazed into the young girl’s eye’s inspired by her innocence yet unaware of her true identity. “Sure, I’ll take a couple.”, the man said digging into his pocket for his wallet. Then Michiko handed him the pristine box of candy and she bowed at the waist before him in respect. “Thank you so much,” , Michiko said to the man as she walked away from the loading dock platform.

Michiko finished out her day selling out all of the candy in her box. She did it and still had an hour left. So, she went into a nearby coffee shop and ordered her favorite latte with extra cream. As she sat there at the counter she thought about how this all began for her so long ago.

She was working on her undergraduate degree in archeology under Dr. Seiko at the University of Tokyo in 1970. One day when Michiko was busy deciphering an ancient Samarai manuscript Dr. Seiko came into the lab.

“Ah, Michiko,”, Dr. Seiko said happily. “I see you are hard at work as usual. What more have you found within that document?”

“Well, it seems that this manuscript has information about the location of an ancient burial chamber Dr. Seiko”, Michiko said enthusiastically. “And the directions seem to located it just north of your previous dig near Saga City in the south.” “You don’t say”, said Dr. Seiko. “And do you know what?” “How would you like to accompany me to that burial chamber this weekend. I don’t suppose you are busy at all.”

“No”, Michiko replied. “I haven’t a thing going on this weekend. I would be happy to accompany you.”

It was a pleasant ride on the bullet train from Tokyo station to Saga City. Michiko spent most of the trip nose deep into the details concerning the ancient burial chamber of one of Japan’s most fiercest Samarai ever to rule the Island Kingdom. The 21 year old Yokohama University graduate graduated at the top of her class in what is the most competitive school in Japan. Then in the summer after graduation she traveled abroad to Paris and then to America. She was so enthralled with American people and all of the places she visited. As the homes with tiled roofs melted and then faded into her dreamy vision she remembered how when she walked down by NYU how she encountered a protest against the Vietnam War. A young American woman tried to talk to her to interest her in participating but Michiko was more put off by such a unsocial display of loud and bombastic speakers and preferred to just walk on ahead. Michiko spotted the New York Public Library and felt so much at home there with the stacks of books. She had immersed herself in studying English, German and French in the last four years at Yokahama and now she wanted to dive head first into all that was around her.

“Saga City, next stop.”, the engineer said as Michiko was rudely awakened out of her day dreaming. “Michiko san, get your things”, Dr. Seiko flew by her down the aisle Michiko quickly grabbed her backpack off the luggage rack and raced toward the only place on the train where they could exit off to the platform. “Hurry Michiko”, Seiko said. “Here it is, it’s this one.”

As the two exited the train they wiped their brows with relief glad to have made it to Saga before the busy train kept them on until the final stop.

The Toyota minivan that Dr. Seiko rented arrived with the two of them at the site of the burial chamber of the ancient Samurai. As Dr. Seiko was busy unpacking the van Michiko couldn’t help feeling so enthusiastic that she went on ahead into the cave. “I’m going on ahead doctor,”, Michiko said. “That’s fine,” Seiko said. “I’ll catch up to you in a few minutes.”

As Michiko entered the dark cave she took a flashlight out of the side pocket in her backpack. She was busy battling the thick cob webs that seem to stand guard of the sacred area inside the cave. Then she walked further. She seemed to lose track of time as she ventured further and further into the seemingly endless cavern. Just then she spotted what looked to be the crypt. Then just as she approached the crypt she spotted a statue.

The statue had around the neck of the warrior it represented an amulet with a diamond within it. So curious to this odd piece of antiquity she decided to climb up the massive statue. So, she dropped her backpack and then she unzipped her blue jeans and took them off. She knew that should might tear her jeans to threads with the climb so she took passed the cuffs of her jeans over her calves. She certainly didn’t count on doing this because now she stood there before this gigantic statue with just a thong between her crotch and the mighty stone statue. Then she proceeded to climb the statue. As she did her athletic thighs and cute little butt were the only thing to be seen from the ground. Then she reached the head of the statue, grabbed the amulet and shimmied the rest of the way down to the ground.

“Finally,”, Michiko exclaimed with pride. “this looks like a great prize.” Then suddenly out of the nowhere the ground began to shake violently. “Oh my god,”, Michiko said. “there must be a major earthquake coming. I’ve got to get the hell out of here and quick.”

But, then as she tried to leave the way out of the cave seemed to change and morph and seal her into the chamber where she was. All around her was solid rock and she couldn’t get out. Then out of the blue the amulet lit up and sent a bright blue light up to the ceiling of the chamber. A shrouded figure appeared. Michiko was trembling as she held the golden amulet. Then the shrouded figure revealed herself. She was a goddess clothed in raiment and bathed in white brilliant light.

“Don’t be afraid my dear.”, the radiant women bellowed toward Michiko. The woman also seemed to be oriental and speaking in Japanese. “Who...who are you?”, Michiko said trying to maintain her composure and shielding her eyes from the blinking white light, as she silently began to pee making her thong soaked with her urine. “I am Sukahara, queen of the chrasamthamum temple.”, the goddess said. “I have waited for you for so long my daughter,”, Queen Sukahara said to Michiko. I have endured the long twilight of the other side so that I could finally see your face once again. The royal family of old ruled over this land many eons ago and wielded great power. And now that power is with me to bestow upon you.” Then the queen continued. “The god’s wish to be made mortal once again. You must carry on for us to right the wrong and protect those who are trampled on by tyrants.”

Then the mysterious figure pointed her hand toward me and out of it came a bolt of lightning that surrounded Michiko and jolted her head backwards. Around her was a brilliant beam of light forming a sphere of white light. Within the sphere Michiko felt herself being changed somehow. Though she felt that she wasn’t being harmed in any way by the powerful force surrounding her she nonetheless was being transformed anatomically, different than the once was. She looked down at her urine soaked thong. Soon it was melted by the power overcoming her. As she looked down she saw her thighs now much more muscular than she ever saw them. And her arms were more pronounced. Then she saw forming around her a skin-tight costume of some kind. Within minutes it was all over as she stood within the burial chamber. She gazed down at herself and marveled at the new body she now possessed. She felt so much more energy than before. Within her mind she heard that familiar voice. “I have bestowed upon you and mantle of Sukahara., the voice of the once dead queen echoed into her mind. You are a mighty warrior princess, my daughter restored finally to me after all of these years. Keep sacred the authority of pure light and express the goodness that is within you wherever you go.”

Chapter 2 of Sukahara: Supergirl Of Japan

This site was created by James W. Kovic. Please direct all comments to jknct@snet.net