So, how far did you get with those sites I referenced in the previous article? Come on, I won’t tell. How many of you
actually went over to the Grateful Dead’s web site?
Let me tell you about something that happened to me on the morning of the first day of my 21 day workshop at a site that the
Unification Church in San Francisco had back in the late 70’s. Church members were really into giving their workshop
sites these special names. It was the same deal with the church centers that they have all over the country and the world
as well but I’ll get into that later. But let me tell you this story.
The name of this workshop site was Camp K. I never knew what the k stood for but it’s quite irrelevant. Camp
K was sold to the Unification Church by the Girl Scouts, if I remember correctly. It was a very nice place actually. Camp
K was built on a hillside beside a creek. There was a main function building where the workshops were held and distributed
around the camp were these cabins where we all stayed while at Camp K. One thing was for sure, you definitely got a workout
while at Camp K. You were either walking up a hill or down one.
Well, the morning after I arrived there I was in the bathroom waiting in line to wash up and shave. This guy from England,
Richard Lewis, who later went on to become the editor in chief of The Unification News, was waiting in line behind me. I was
wearing a t-shirt with a Grateful Dead iron-on icon on it. It was one of the Dead’s more recognizable ones that features
a skeleton; it was one of my favorites at the time and still is. But it seemed to bother Richard for some reason. He looked
at it and said in his heavy welch accent, “Oh, well that seems to be very dreadful.” At that time I was such
a nice guy and I ignored his comment. It was really such a disrespectful thing to say especially for an elder member which
he was at the time. Oh, he must have been in the church for a few years at least but not a connoisseur of this advant garde
musical group as I had grown to be. Moments like that just stick in my memory for some reason.
But anyway, I know some of you were brave enough to make it over to and check out this band. Especially after all
that I taught you about what the band’s name meant and all; that should have helped you get over your initial reluctance
to delve into Jerry Garcia and his band of merry music makers. But that’s okay if you didn’t. When I first heard
the Grateful Dead I didn’t think they were so hot either. But perhaps that was because their first album I heard was
Beauty”. Oh, don’t get me wrong, this is a great album. Go ahead, check it out with that link I gave you to
where it’s being sold at Amazon. It’s a great album. One of their best studio albums ever but what really got
me hooked into the Dead was their
“Live Dead” album. This has got to be their all-time greatest live recording ever. It knocked my socks off
and will knock yours off….that is, if you choose to surrender to it.
Now, getting back to my reason for writing this article in the first place. Not to talk about the Grateful Dead which sometimes
I cannot help due to the fact that it happens to be my favorite rock & roll band or musical band period, but to speak about
my spiritual path.
As I told you before, as I was going through my adolescent years, I was a very confused boy. Yea, I was pathetic. I was the
fifth child of six who grew up in a good family. My father was an A&P manager. You know what A&P is, right? It’s a supermarket.
Okay, I was the fifth child. And I had two older brothers, one brother in particular who was jealous of the fact that I loved
my mother very much. He often teased me about that. But my mother was kind of weird too because she wasn’t very patient
with me. I was a very curious child, always observing the things around me. I used to ask my mother questions like, “Why
is the sky blue, why are the birds singing, what are those funny lights I’m seeing? There’s a lady here that’s
looking at me, mom. Do you see her?” My mom would look at me with a surprised expression on her face. She didn’t
see her but I saw her. I was very spiritual when I was around six years old. I saw things that she couldn’t imagine
seeing. One day she got so sick and tired of trying to answer my questions that she just said, “Jimmy, can you just
shut up; I’m busy reading.”
And so I did what my mother told me to do and shut up. And my mouth wasn’t the only thing that shut down. She taught
me how to turn off my feelings and my emotions so that I wouldn’t bother her with such nonsense. And that, my friends,
started me on the slippery slope of losing much if not all of my connection with my true self, my feelings, my connection
with that Divine Light within me that was present with me several years after I was born to remind me of who I really was.
And so now I was officially inducted into The Real World, the undeniable rational world of the left brain.
I’m no longer mad at my mom for doing that after all of these years. However, the only thing that she did do to me that
is a problem to this day was that she kept smoking cigarettes all through her pregnancy with me. Mom was a heavy smoker. She
smoked in the house, in the car, everywhere. And so as a result I have this mild allergy in which I sneeze a few times a day.
My dad quit when he was in his mid forties but my mom kept puffin’ away well into my adolescence.
But the Human Spirit is a wondrous thing. Despite even the most staunch egotistical offensive measures against it by the rational
mind, it always shines through somehow. This was expressed by the awkward time that I had as a teenager. You see, I wasn’t
an awkward kid because I didn’t adjust to the norms expected of me by society. I was experiencing this trauma because
my Divine or Higher Self wanted to be free and happy not be bound by the unwritten laws and societal norms that are handed
down to us by my parents, civic leaders, teachers and those who are responsible to inculcate us into what we should accept
as reality. The Higher Self knows of the higher spiritual realms where we’re not limited by a physical body, where we
don’t have to hide our true feelings, where we are all connected and our thoughts are what allows us to create our own
Whoa, think of that. Whatever you think is manifested into reality. In the higher dimensions your thoughts aren’t your
own. Everybody sees you and knows who you are. There’s no place to hide and complete honesty is the rule. What would
you think about living in that kind of world? Scary, to say the least. That is unless you are living from your heart and love
is all that matters.
So, this is what had been nagging me all throughout my teenage years.
This physical world isn’t real. Don’t except it. Open your heart, Jimmy. Learn to love. You haven’t lost
the ability to love; it’s only been delayed for a little while. Don’t worry; I’m here. I will show you the
way and take care of you. You chose this lifetime and these experiences so that you could grow. This is the path you’ve
chosen. And I love you, Jimmy and I will be here beside you all the way.
That was the voice and the loving influence of my spirit guide. Her name is Arianna. She is a beautiful soul. Spirit guides
are like guardian angels. I’ve never seen angels before but I’ve seen my spirit guide. That’s because she
incarnated on Earth at around the same time that I did so that she could work out some issues of her own. I met her one time
back in 1995. She was this woman who did a spiritual reading for me. But it wasn’t until a few years ago that I discovered
who she really is. Yea, she’s my spirit guide. That was easy because I intuited it. But I later found out that she’s
also my sister. But that’s getting off the subject which I’d prefer to say on so that I can continue talking about
my spiritual path.
I don’t know if it was the intensity with which my mother had her way with me or whether I had preplanned my physical
persona prior to this life in Spirit World to just be so damn complacent and unaware of my inner reality but I didn’t
start waking up to who I really am until I was 35 years old. I don’t know about you but that seems like such a long
time to go on in life with such an extended case of amnesia.
When I speak of amnesia I am not referring to when a person gets hit on the head and loses his or her memory. What I’m
talking about is what every soul goes through after they have incarnated on Earth. At conception the soul begins integrating
with the fetus that’s developing in the womb of the mother. But a person's recollection of who he or she is, their soul
identity begins to fade a few years following birth. The thing is that it's important to forget who you really are so that
you can begin the work you planned to do in physical life. If you retained that memory it would probably interfere with keeping
focused on the task at hand: resolving your issues. To be honest, for some time I've had some contention with that reasoning.
I think you should be allowed to keep your entire soul memory but that's what the council members in Spirit World deem as
appropriate for humans to go through so there's no getting around it.
I’ve heard that the Divine Entity, You, takes up residence with the fetus and hangs out for the nine month duration
or most of it at least. The child in the womb and the entity play with each other and through the process of integration the
Divine Entity shares information and lots of stuff with the child’s brain. But it’s not like school or anything.
It’s play. As souls outside of this physical existence we love to play. Play is a very important and integral part of
our existence. Life is based solely on the heart. Life is love and our existence is meant to be totally joyful. Nothing we
do requires exertion or pain or struggle. This is all a lie and an illusion. Life is meant to be effortless. One thing you
guys need to brainwash yourself with is that life is effortless. You’re kidding yourself if you believe that you need
to work hard to succeed. It’s a lie you were taught by your parents and your teachers to believe. Now it’s
part of your belief system and that really sucks. You don’t know just how much it really does suck until you’ve
had a taste of living life effortlessly. Once you do your entire view of reality does an about face and you’re standing
on the outside looking in to this world that seems utterly crazy to you. But actually, this world is suppose to suck a little
bit anyway. You see, the reason we incarnate into this world is so that we can learn our lessons. You’ve heard of Karma,
right? Everybody has accumulated lots and lots of baggage, stuff, your stuff, your issues, the errors that you’ve made
in this life and in all of your past lives. It’s with you and it’s in your energy body, your aura. So, the purpose
of your physical life is to have the opportunity to resolve all of that. The way you do it is through the circumstances you
are placed in. But it’s not predetermined or predestined. Well, actually it is because you and your spirit guide sat
down one sunny afternoon in Spirit World and talked about what your plan of action was to be in your next life. Then you went
over to the past lives library. It’s an awesome place, really. You went over to this really cool enzyme-based computer
console that can access all of your Akashic Memory and you played around with all of these unlimited possibilities and scenarios
until you came up with one that you agreed upon and one that would benefit your overall goals of spiritual evolution. So,
just about everything you’ve done in your life up until now and what you find yourself involved in now was pretty much
planned out ahead of time by you.
Does that surprise you? So, life is a game, Life Is School. In fact, life is like boarding school. That's the name of an
article I wrote that’s on the Articles Page of this web site. You should read it.
So, wakeup time for me was when I finally realized that there was more than me walking around under my skin for the last 35
years. I did have a little outside help, some gentle persuasion you might say, one which I told you about—that
guy Hyo-Jin Moon. Oh, by the way, I forgot to list this particular book in my recommended books page but a good book for you
to get would be “In
The Shadow Of The Moons” by Nan Sook Hong. Nan Sook was married to Reverend Moon’s elder son, Hyo Jin.
Hyo Jin’s the guy who physically assaulted me while I was in a class at the church’s Unification Theological Seminary.
I wasn’t the only person assaulted, mind you. He was a very bad boy. He hit many other church members whom he didn’t
like. And he had a nasty habit of belting around his beautiful wife too. She’s a very brave woman. Actually she held
him back from whooping on me some more so she’s really my hero but more for writing this book. Read it. It gives an
insiders view and understanding of what goes on within the inner circle of Reverend Moon’s family. This must be read
if you are to see Reverend Moon and his wife for the infallible man and woman that they are.
But his act of physical assault on me was a blessing in disguise because it woke me up to the reality of what I had gotten
myself into and that I should definitely not be spending any more time in this church but focusing more of my time on my own
spiritual path and not someone else’s.
The other outside influence on me was from a man named Kevin Pearson or Tom Pearson as he was known before he changed his
name and I’m not sure how relevant that is now….anywho. Kevin was a member of the Unification Church too. But
he was on to something. He was a practicing Applied Kinesiologist. Applied Kinesiology, as defined by Wikipedia is a practice
of using manual muscle-strength testing for medical diagnosis and a subsequent determination of prescribed therapy. It purportedly
gives feedback on the functional status of the body.
In the new age field this is one of the things that is known as Body Work.
Oh, I bet you couldn’t wait until I was going to start talking about that New Age thing. Well, it’s an
important part of my spiritual evolution but let me clarify this a little. I have attended only one new age seminar, if you
could call it that. I haven’t been heavily into frequenting places like Omega Institute
or a host of other fine places to find out about how you need to heal yourself. As I said, my own path was a little more organic
meaning that I spent more time not listening to other people but listening to myself. I consider myself unique in that I didn’t
follow that familiar path of wanting to find out about myself from other people but to look within for those answers.
So, given that this piece is getting kind of long, I’ll end it with the body work I had done with Kevin Pearson and
then I’ll leave the rest of my story for those succeeding articles.
I first met Kevin in 1993 while I was a student at the Unification Theological Seminary (UTS). As was the case usually for
all of these kind of things of spiritual import to come in my life after I was married, he first spoke to my wife, Hong-Yu.
You could say that she’s always been the one to respond much quicker than I to this sort of thing. We’re both
spiritual seekers. When we were matched together it was to be the beginning of a relationship that we had agreed upon prior
to us coming to Earth. It was kind of an unusual thing, you understand. After all, I already had a primary soul mate; her
name is Lara. Well, to make a long story short, once upon a time while we were in our interim period between lives in Spirit
World Hong-Yu and I got together and talked about sharing this next life together and playing the parts as husband and wife.
You see, life is play. Shakespeare once said that all the world’s a stage and we are merely characters in it. I’m
not sure from what perspective he was talking about it but he nailed it.
So, my wife got to talking to Pearson and she had a session with him. Soon enough she convinced me to do one. You know what?
I’ve got the transcript from one of those sessions I had with Dr. Pearson. One of these days I’m going to have
to get that typed up and post it here for you. It’s really cool.
Well, she was quite taken with what he was doing. You see, there’s really something to this muscle testing stuff. The
human body is a wondrous thing. It’s amazing how all of this information about us, I mean, detailed information about
what happened to us at birth, all of this seminal, crucial information about us that tell our own individual story like why
we are the way we are and what my own particular issues are, although is hidden within us, can be accessed if you know how.
Muscle testing is one of those ways. Accessing your feelings is another. Working with crystals, I think, can be another avenue.
The human body is a miraculous machine. Remember in my book when Mitsui is with Kiro the Reiki Master and he takes her to
Spirit World to meet the Guardians Of Healing so that she can be taught how to help heal Michiko and allow her to become mortal
once again? The Guardians Of Healing are the ones who created the human species. Of course this is all fictional but there
was a group of highly evolved beings whom we refer to as God who created humanity. More on that later but you’ve
got to realize how wonderful your body is, how wonderful and miraculous you are and I’m only talking now of you from
a physical perspective. You’re a glorious, profoundly beautiful soul who has taken up residency in this miraculous physical
body. So eat right, keep that weight down to what’s optimal for you and enjoy yourself. And remember to always
do it effortlessly or else it won’t work.
One great thing about my Applied Kinesiology session with Dr. Pearson was that for the first time in my life I could articulate
myself in a much broader way. I could begin to explain how I was feeling. My feelings were now at the surface, no longer hidden
from me but more available for processing. This was unprecedented for me and the beginning of what was to be my personal spiritual
My Spiritual Path Part 4