April 21, 2007
I resumed writing Metamorphosis, the running title for what may be a sequel to the Tamara’s Journey trilogy. (the sound
of that is just ridiculous, don’t you think?) Nevertheless, I’m so excited as I continue writing it. I feel Lara
helping me as the story develops. I seriously considered it a sequel when I had the inspiration to have the Laura character
travel to Japan on a business trip and meet up with John and Michiko Kevlan ten years after they had gotten married in 1982
(due to the manipulation that Michiko did with the timeline in the integration sequel.) Thus, they have a daughter, Sonya
whose in 5th grade in 1992. Now, I have Juanita and her brother Gabriel being run out of their own country because of some
lawsuit and Michiko asks Laura to take care of them. But, Juanita and Gabriel need to journey down to the Cofan on the border
of Columbia and Ecuador and take care of some unfinished business with the tribal chief. I’m also working on finishing
up my first draft on Integration. I’ve been a little hesitant to start writing about the Cofan due to the fact that
I know next to nothing about them. But I’ll get through it. I always do.
What’s really exciting about the Metamorphosis sequel is that Laura and Jim have their DNA reactivated. That means that
their going to start discovering the Living Library. At the same time I’ve been organizing information which I’ve
read about in Marciniak’s books about the Living Library. What I want to do in this book is to show just what Human
Beings who have all of their twelve-stranded DNA intact are really like. True Human Beings, who do not die and do not deteriorate
with disease. Death is an illusion as well as growing old as far as I’m concerned and I want to find out all about who
the true human beings are and what this illusion we’ve been under for these past 500,000 years since we were genetically
altered by the Nefilim to suit their needs for a manual work force to mine their precious gold to fix their atmosphere. It’s
been so valuable for me to read the first two books of Sitchin’s Earth Chronicles series. I’d like to read more
but for now the first two is enough. I’ll get to it. But I want to write about these two individuals who are given the
gift of being freed at last of the constraints of illusion and genetic manipulation. I enjoy writing this story but at the
same time it’s an opportunity for me to create an image in my mind of who I aspire to be, to have that goal firmly established
in my mind so that I can work towards it. I don’t know how many lives it will take to get there but at least I’m
consciously aware of what’s going on. That’s the beauty of writing. I’ve created these characters and the
situations they find themselves in and I’m creating this reality for myself. I’m creating a template in a way.
As I said before I’m working on organizing the information presented by the three books of Marciniak’s that I’ve
read already. I spent many hours re-reading them and writing down notes and page references. Now what I’m doing is organizing
all that I’ve typed into the computer into categories divided between a practical guide for my spiritual life and some
interesting metaphysical trivia found in the book. I’m not so much interested in the trivia as I am in the advice the
Pleiadians gave in the book about how to maintain your frequency, work with your emotions and feelings and the multidimensional
selves and your inner feminine. Doing all of that will allow me to work through my issues and begin evolving and creating
my light body. The more refined my body (the levels of my human energy field) is, the lighter I become. What that means is
that the more refined I become, in theory, the less susceptible I will be to the ravages inflicted upon me by the physical
world namely disease and death. From what I understand, this is what ascension is all about. Ascension is all about refining
your body into a light body. But that can only occur when you’ve let go of your predilection with the physical world
and that means ones grip on the ego and that this physical life is all that defines me. This naturally predisposes a person
to embrace death as natural but it is a lie and an illusion.
Reading Marciniak’s books has helped me a lot. I really got into reading them. I was really meant to find this information
just as I was meant to read “A Course In Miracles”. This stuff resonates with me because I’m beginning to
remember all that I’ve forgotten when the veil of amnesia covered my eyes when I was born into this lifetime. I have
to keep reminding myself of who I am. I try to do meditation as often as I can and when I take a bath I convene with Lara
and she helps stimulate my higher self too. We’re waking each other up. She’s the one behind inspiring me to write
Metamorphosis in the first place. I don’t blame her. I spent a lot of time with Tamara writing Tamara’s Journey
and she wanted to spend time with me. Now I am but it’s also about getting this Living Library stuff into a story form,
into a medium so that the story can be told and the information can be taught and received into people’s minds.
April 29, 2007
I’m getting ready to start writing Metamorphosis again. Next I will start writing about their journey down to Columbia.
I’ve brought Juanita and Gabriel (remember them?) into the story. When I last left them in Integration they were just
about to journey into the Cofan’s camp near the Columbian border. But now I’m integrating that stuff about the
living library into the story too as Jim and Laura begin to discover the powers they now have since their DNA reactivation.
I’m really excited about writing the next batch of chapters. I’ve done some research into some travel tips and
information on driving down through central America into the south American continent. I’ve also been working again
on my Pleiadian Guide which I’ve re-titled “Chaos Of Consciousness”. I’m not sure if I’ll wait
until I have a more solid understanding on the living library stuff before continuing on with Metamorphosis or not. What I’ll
probably do is just get on with it and shore up the details later. I’m investing a lot in re-reading these three books
but I think it’s going to be worth the time I’ve taken. There’s just too much important information here
to ignore especially when I don’t have a guru to speak of to tell me all that I need to do to help me evolve myself.
I’ve got to start working with myself more, with my body and my issues so that I can resolve that stuff and refine my
soul and my frequency. It’s all about working with my emotions and fears and my ego especially and learning from my
mistakes. Every day the circumstances which I find myself in are clear indicators of what I need to change about myself. Just
by virtue of the fact that my character flaws keep rearing their ugly head and Hong-Yu’s sensitivity to them is allowing
me the opportunity to change and move on. Already she’s provided so much information for me. I have to work on this
stuff and stop putting her through hell every day. I owe this to myself and to her.