Tamara's Journey

August 2006

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August 4, 2006
This morning I received an email from Publish America that they have offered to publish my book. But I’m hesitant to celebrate just yet. I read a lot of seemingly negative things about them on this blog and I need to go through that and read the sample contract they sent me so that I can make sure they are a legitimate company.

August 6, 2006
I’m starting to feel a little better about Publish America. And I’m now connecting what Kerry O’Conner, the Light Stream lady who gave a talk on March 29th of this year. She said that my father did a lot to help me find a publisher. I had started writing a dedication page and I mustn’t forget to acknowledge him.

August 10, 2006
Frankly, I don’t know what to think about Publish America. Although I emailed my contact person at PA with an enumerated list of issues that I found on ripoffreport.com and received from her an explanation about all of them, one author who formally had her book published with PA advised me not to sign the contract and she was one of their best selling authors. I emailed another author who has published three books with PA and I’m still awaiting her response. If it wasn’t for the fact that my contact person has steadily and consistently responded to me, answering every question and concern that I have, I would have made up my mind by now to not go with them at all but it’s becoming a tug of war within me to decide. Well, I’m just going to keep getting in touch with PA or former PA authors and see what I come up with. Anyway, I have until October 1st to sign the contract. Meanwhile I’m editing my manuscript.

I’m excited, really excited about my manuscript, about Tamara’s Journey and the story that Tamara and I worked on for over a year. I know it’s not perfect. That’s why I’m busy editing it now but it’s such an awesome story. It can be really great. It can inspire so many people on so many levels. It’s a love story. It’s a story about a super hero coming to terms with her power and what her power means in relation to the power that people sell to her in exchange for their protection. It’s the story about a woman’s spiritual quest in search of her soul. It’s a story of redemption. It’s the story about how people deal with the ineffectiveness of their present religion and beliefs that they are aware of yet they must confront the fear that exists from abandoning a faith that has represented an important world view for them and has helped shape their view of reality.

August 15, 2006
I had a hard time doing today’s lesson from ACIM. I did it but it seemed too easy. The idea was “I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts.” I was asked to repeat this idea and then search my mind for any thoughts that came to my mind. and say “I am not alone in experiencing the effects of this thought about… “ and then I was to identify that thought. To be honest there weren’t too many thoughts coming into my head except for those that I initiated myself. I guess there are a lot of other people reading this book who have a much more noisy mind. I don’t want to seem arrogant but my mind isn’t that bad. And whatever stray thoughts that come in that I don’t want I can fairly effectively eliminate by being present in the moment. I yearn so much for Jesus. I know he is teaching me through A Course In Miracles but yet I miss him so. The healing power of his words. I feel so tempted to go back and read the text over again but then again I want to continue with the workbook. I feel that there is so much that he has to show me through these lessons. More than I know. I know that I’ll be going through these lessons for the next year or so. At last I can be taught by the master. I’ve waited all of my life for this. Finally I’m being taught by the master, himself. I’m not going to have my book published by Publish America. What I’ve decided to do is to continue editing my manuscript, go all the way through it and tighten up any places that need some tuning up. Then I will start submitting it again to some publishers. I’m in no hurry to get it published. I want to get it as good as it can be before I submit it to another publisher again.

This site was created by James W. Kovic. Please direct all comments to jknct@snet.net