Tamara's Journey

April 2005

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April 16, 2005
Hong-Yu and I and Grace went to Westerly to see Cynthia, a Reiki healer. She is clairvoyant so we talked through the whole session as she was healing my whole system. I began talking about Makiko (Tamara). She told me that she was remarried since 1982 and has children. However, she also said that there was something “funky” about her energy. She is torn between two forces. Forced by her parents to leave the church. She is living by the sea (that could be chiba where she was from when I met her). She has a brother(s) (perhaps more than one, not sure). She is married yet she doesn’t feel it was in her best interest or the best thing for her.

Cynthia said that she could “see” that I am a writer all over me she said. Then, I told her about this story about Michiko Tanaka that I’m writing. She said that or she implied that I could be successful in getting my writing published.

Later on in the evening I started feeling really edgy and irritated and vulnerable. I suspected it was a result of the post-healing process. I asked Lara, Tamara and Leanna to be with me. But then Lara suggested that I take a bath. So I went in and drew the bath. When I first got in the tub I felt that Lara wanted to start it off in a prayerful position. So I sat in the water sitting on my legs and closed my eyes for a moment. Then I sat cross-legged with my hands together at my fourth chakra leaning forward as she did the same touching my forehead to hers. Of course I realize that I am in the physical world and she’s in the spirit world but it’s all the same as far as I’m concerned. And then we spent some time together as we usually do. Sometimes it’s small talk. Sometimes I ask her about a past life together. Sometimes I talk to her about Laura. But, I can’t get over how wonderful it is to be with her in my mind sharing my essence, in my heart. We are together in my mind and in hers. Sometimes I extend my hands out to her and I feel the slight warm sensation on my hands as she gently takes them and we connect. Sometimes I will start us on a meditation with my words in my mind that are so etheric that take us places beyond this familiar place. Sometimes I follow her lead as she takes me places and dimensions we could only dream about. But, dream we do because it is the dream that we are riding upon.

Well, after that I felt a lot better. I then sat on the couch and watched some Nick At Night show. Then I dosed off. I woke up. It was about 10 pm. I felt totally drained of energy and as time went on I felt even more weary and energy depleted. I can’t remember ever feeling this way before. I had enough energy to turn on the alarm, brush my teeth and crawl (and I mean crawl) into bed. I was entirely wiped out. (ref next is april 17 entry)

April 17, 2005
I woke up this morning utterly revitalized and full of energy. Though I had a lot of pain in my neck. I attribute that to the post reiki process. I assume and correctly so, that with this reiki healing all problems whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual are going to come up and manifest themselves. One down, one thousand to go I guess. My plan is to talk and autowrite to each one. It is Hong-Yu’s birthday. I bought her a foot stool that called out to me at T J Max when I got her a valentine present that also called to me. The vibes were stronger from the bi-sphere candleholder I got her which turned out to have a lot of masculine energy emanating from it. I sure can pick em’.

I was working outside today. It is a wonderful spring day. Clear skies, strong sun and the last batch of raked up leaves to mulch. Every now and then I would find myself intuiting my higher self. One of those was about Makiko and the book I will soon, the near future get published.

April 26, 2005
I was writing the Sukahara story last night. It didn’t feel good. After five days I still have these guys in Chiba.

Author's Note: Chiba was the name of the city that Michiko grew up in, that is until I changed it. During the editing process I changed it to the city of Uto. It made a lot of sense to do that since Chiba is a suburb of Yokohama and then I have Michiko, John and Mitsui drive down south to spend the week with her parents. Uto is in Kyushu, right where I wanted her home town to be located. And it's also on the western coast too, which was helpful.

I think it’s time for John, Michiko and Mitsui to get back to Yokohama. It’s funny but before I looked at a map Chiba and Yokohama are both suburbs of Tokyo. I thought Chiba was in Kyushu. The confusion occurred because Chiba is the address she gave me when we parted in 1982. It’s obvious that Chiba is where the Church center is. But, my intuition says that she lives in Kyushu. One of these days I’ll have to do a search / swap for Chiba and Make it a small seaside town in Kyushu. Someday when I see Makiko again she can show me where she lives. Then it’ll be straightened out. It’s amazing though how I got Miyazaki right. There must be something in that. How could I know except for the fact that I looked at a map and saw a flat area by the ocean. There’s lots of them in Japan probably. How did I get the fact that it was a seaside resort? That is kind of weird but it’s so cool.

April 27, 2005
I wrote more on Sukahara today. I was in a groove. Michiko gets a letter from Helen, who was on her fundraising team way in the beginning (seems like ages ago that I began doing this). Helen is relieved to graduate from MFT but now is beginning to question her faith and the validity of the church. Eventually she will, with the MBA credentials she has, manage and organize the seminars and workshops and publishing contracts that Michiko, Mitsui and John get involved in. Now, however, she is involved in beginning her life anew, finding her spiritual path and carving a path for herself and opening up new possibilities for the future. Her connection with Mich is strong, intuitive and heartfelt due to what occurred prior to the halloween party. (oh boy!). I think also she will develop a sensitivity, a more objective one it seems, to Michi’s seeming dilemma and possibilities as she grows and changes becomes the centerpiece of the philosophy that is pushed forward by this unsuspecting triad. Then what really inspirited me was when Mitsui got a call from Takashi and he had developed a migraine from working too hard. For the first time Mitsui does astral projection, travels to Takashi’s home and does a reiki session for him. All through this I felt a presence with Tamara and Lara.

I can’t wait until I get a new computer. I’m going through this loose leaf paper like nothing. Then, I’m going to have to type all of this on the computer in word. That’s going to take a while. I’ve started on Yumi’s computer. Maybe I should just continue doing that and then port it over to the new computer when I get it. Hand recognition software would be really handy right about now.

This site was created by James W. Kovic. Please direct all comments to jknct@snet.net