March 1, 2005
I can’t believe how much of an obsession writing this story about Sukahara is. Well, it’s not really an obsession.
Tamara, Makiko’s higher self, is working with me together on this. What I have usually done is to begin writing and
then I get into this meditative state. This flow of ideas and then the story goes places that I never intended. Last night
was an example in which John and Michiko go pay a visit to Dr. Seiko. Dr. Seiko had met John at Michiko’s apartment
earlier and found out that the guy he kicked out of his office three years back has returned. So, Michiko and John arrive
at Seiko’s office and Michiko lays right into him for concocting the ruse in which Michiko left the church so that she
would never marry him. She, in her typical direct, no holds bar style, criticizes and scolds him and then tells him how much
she loves John.
This is a fantasy of mine. In a way it’s a catharsis where I’m trying to deal with and release the emotions I
experienced and had pent up in side of me when Makiko left me. As far as I’m concerned Michiko is Makiko. I took the
name Michiko from Michiko Kobayashi, a Japanese woman I met who worked at the Kanimi plant at Sunrise Seattle. She was a very
kind and sweet woman whom I adored before meeting Hong-Yu. A lot of this story I’m presently writing since Michiko meets
John again is my fantasy of me meeting Makiko again if I could. I found it convenient to do this and it also fits and is consistent
with where I want the story to go eventually.
The relationship Michiko rediscovers with John is one that along with
her friendship with Mitsui, she will need to get her through the difficult times ahead of her when she comes to grips with
who her ancestors, the Kantagawa Royal family, really are. Michiko will find herself facing the sins of her ancestors, the
sins of her past and most of all what all of her superpowers as Sukahara really symbolize: the abusive dictatorial power that
her ancestors wielded over the people under them. She will be thrown into a chasm of despair and dissolution, realizing that
all her super abilities is the power and dignity of the people around her that was given to her and with which she knowingly
uses to supplant their own ability to empower themselves.
March 21, 2005
It never ceases to amaze me how spontaneous the Sukahara story continues to be. Of course I have a basic outline of the story
that gives it a lineal structure. (which was provided to me by my communication with Tamara), but to be honest, when I sit
down to write more I have no idea where the story will go or what will happen. Take for instance yesterdays writing. At this
point in the story Michiko, John and Mitsui are traveling to Chiba (later edited and changed to Uto), Michiko’s home
town (actually Makiko’s if I remember correctly from her letters) to visit Michiko’s parents. Then, I had the
idea of having Michiko ask Mitsui how she felt (intuited about the trip). Then, it was Tamara’s idea that they would
be safe but that there would be a construction accident and Michiko, as Sukahara intervenes to save an imperiled worker.
This is where she first begins to get painful visions associated with her actions to save people and intervene in human affairs
which eventually guides her down the path to her transformation later on. But, it also is one of the turning points for Mitsui
to increase her own awareness, as well as John’s of their vast potential as spiritual beings who are evolving. So we
see Michiko’s physical powers on the decline while John and Mitsui’s consciousness increasing.
Sometimes what I write is not so interesting or inspired but when Tamara and I work together the story flows and is brand
new again. Also, what I’ve noticed is that there’s this spiritual interaction going on between Tamara and I while
I’m writing the story. And while we’re doing it and flowing with the story I feel so much energy. And I just keep
writing and writing never tiring. Ten pages go by and I’m just really into it.
I know that I’m not a good writer. I enjoy writing dialogue than if I had to do a narrative. I mix both dialogue and
narrative together. When I’m writing this the story comes alive for me. I’m there like watching a movie. I guess
all writers of fiction or other novels experience the same thing. Overall, I know that this isn’t going to be published.
It’s so Tamara and I can process our issues. But, it’s really fun doing this.
March 23, 2005
I feel this drive to write this Sukahara story. It’s a way to at least take a look at an issue I’ve had a problem
with and I’m helping Tamara with her issues as well. But, also I see that in society today we seem to want to give our
power to other people and even fictional characters.
Christians can’t wait until Jesus returns and brings a
new Earth with him and takes them up with into wherever they go. We escape to see movies that take our attention away from
our troubles rather than look at what “troubles” surround us and decide what we can and cannot control. And with
the things we can control we avoid the darkness within or drown our sorrows in alcohol, drugs or work ourselves silly. As
a result, our minds are buzzing from excessive caffeine with thoughts racing here and there worrying about this and that.
Never do we take the time to sit quietly, quiet our minds and listen to the silence and discover who we are or ask questions
of our infinite eternal mind that is connected to the Source of all there is.
I can’t say that I’ve had
a lot of experience in meditation but I’ve tried it. In the few experiences I’ve had I’ve had beautiful
experiences, awesome moments of peace. I believe that this story about Sukahara, this woman turned superhero who ultimately
must come to grips with why she has such power, where it comes from, why she has it and where it is leading her to, has been
born out of the initiative I have taken, even if it’s a feeble one, to explore my eternal self and stop propagating
this amnesia to who I am and refusing to improve and evolve.
This story means so much on so many levels. It deals
with the abuse of power, how to empower yourself, take back the power you’ve given to others and maximize your strengths.
Something bigger than myself is propelling me toward writing this story. As I get more into it, it has stopped being
all about a superhero and has taken on a more spiritual search through the lives of three of the main characters in the story.
I find doing this so intensely enjoyable that I will write by hand (as my computer died) for ten pages and not realize the
time that has expired.
Tamara and I are birthing this story together. I would know if it was just me doing it but
it’s not. I sense another entity, my good friend Tamara who was or perhaps still is Makiko Uto living now. That I’m
not sure of since I lost touch with her for 22 years. But she has made herself known to me now with the inception of this
story. This is for her. I dedicate this story to Tamara.
March 24, 2005
When I write I like to have my writing ability, my imagination and my intuition working in concert. If you write in this way
it’s much harder to have writers block. Writers block may still happen but question why it’s happening. Be still
and go within. Perhaps it’s a way to get your attention or put on the brakes when your thinking too much, letting your
ego dominate and not coming from your truth. Be still, quiet the mind and then you will pick up the thread again and continue.
I was writing the Sukahara story again as I am inextricably drawn and addicted to. But, this time I got to the point where
I realized what Lara said to me the other day when she said, “This is a method for doing that (working with my issues).
Follow through with it to it’s conclusion and you will see what I mean.….That’s what you’re doing
(working on your issues). That’s why it was set up this way. Believe in that purpose.”
I took the story along to where Mitsui tries to get Michiko to tell her what happened when she had the Kantagawa vision when
she saved the construction worker. Then while Michiko expresses that emotion Mitsui comes into her own as the healer she is
for the first time. She does energy work on her and heals Michiko’s emotional level. But, she also finds out something
about what may lead her to helping Michiko in the near future so she can transition her super abilities aka the maximization
of her personal power from within and allow Mitsui and John to do the same.
Writing about this was a very profound
experience and it was a teaser, a preview, if you will, to what I am able to experience through writing this story. That the
writing of this story is connected with my own working through my own issues.
March 25, 2005
I had another profound moment when writing the Sukahara story. There was a moment when Mitsui could sense what had happened
to Michiko earlier with the flashback. Then she did some energy healing for Michiko as she expressed her feelings about what
happened. This allowed Mitsui to pinpoint where the problem was. It was a quick fix but it silenced Michiko’s demons
for the time being. Also, this will set the stage for the healing work that Mitsui will spearhead which will not only heal
Michiko but involve all three of them. Again it was a profound…..
While I was writing it I felt also the healing
aspect of this story as I wrote it. As I said before, Lara was right that if I follow this story it will lead to healing.
This morning I was taking a shower and I asked Lara, Leanna and Tamara if we were a team. Then they explained to me that yes
we are.
This story is connected to the effort by you and Lara to change things so that souls can take more energy with them when
they incarnate on Earth. And also it has to do with the way spirit guides will not be incorporeal anymore but will have physical
bodies and be immortal and be able to transition between the two mediums. Leanna will use her very fine argumentative skills
and speak before the council and sell this idea about souls bringing more energy with them. When it is accepted your story
that you and Tamara have been working on will be presented to all eligible souls in spirit world as a way to show them this
process and prepare them for this transition.