If you don't know by now I'm into Human Evolution and I don't mean that nonsense about how people can have microprocessors
or nano-technology embedded into our bodies. What we have already, our minds, our bodies is more powerful than any supercomputer
created by man. The thing is that we've been so used to the mindset that we are only physical beings who get diseases, grow
old and die someday. When you look around you, that computer monitor in front of you, for instance. It's solid, right? Wrong!
On a microscopic level and if you go far enough you will see that it's made up of molecules that have a lot of space between
them. But if this is so then why couldn't I pass my hand through it. Great question. And here's the answer. You can but only
when you have raised your consciousness to a higher level and become lighter or not so associated with the physical world
as you are now. This is entirely possible and it simply involves working out your character flaws and issues. More later.
So, you raise your consciousness through resolving your character flaws. That's easier said than done. I'm still working on
it myself. It's never easy. But if you wonder what else is there to life, what is your purpose and why I am here then you
are searching and you shouldn't waste any time but find the answers. Ten years ago I began my spiritual quest. I was a member
of the Unification Church as I've said in my bio. Being a member of any church or religious organization is good but it should
only be temporary.
You should really be thinking about why you're there, what is prayer, who is God and who am I. Is my pastor or priest really
God's representative or can I bypass him and go to God myself. You should really ask those questions. It's important. The
reason is that you are an individual human being. But more than that and above that you are Divine Being. You are a spiritual
being who has taken physical form in this lifetime so that you can resolve your issues and grow spiritually.
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page or simply email me at jknct@snet.net.com.
Now, I'm really serious about considering who you are and who your pastor of your church is. Why do you go to church, for
your children. Okay, that's admirable but why are you doing it for your kids but not yourself. Why do you go, for the social
side of it? That's not why religions were established. Religions were established to resolve man's separation from God. Do
you ever wonder what the world is coming to? I'm not trying to sound like the guy on the street corner with a placard over
his body that says, "The End Is Near". But, our world is changing. The year 2012 seems to be for many people a pivotal year
in which something will happen. Will it be Armageddon or will it usher in an period of peace for the people living on the
Earth? I'm not so concerned about that. What I'm concerned about now is how I can utilize the time I have in my life to become
a better person. But if you or I never quite accomplish our goals, it's okay because we have Free Will and we'll have another
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And don't worry I'll have more for you to read soon.